Bike Stuff
- touring bike
- racks
- panniers
- extra tire
- extra spokes
- spoke wrench
- multi-
tool - patch kit
- tire levers
- 3 extra tubes
- 15 wrench
- hand-pump (Roadmorph)
- cables/housing
- lube/
grease - chainbreaker
- extra chain
- mini-repair manual
- water bottles
- rear light
- head light
- pedal wrench
- zip ties
- spare bolts
- clipless shoes
- map holder
- helmet
- sleeping bag
- tent
- tarp
- therma-rest
- campseat
- leatherman
- water filter
- camp stove
- utensils
- spices
- headlamp
- 3 shammys
- rain jacket
- rain pants
- 7 pairs of underwear
- 7 pairs of socks
- 2 bras
- flip flops
- jeans
- arm warmers
- tights
- shorts
- 3 short sleeve jerseys
- 1 long sleeve jersey
- 2 t-shirts
- hoodie
- cycling cap
- sunscreen
- toothbrush
- toothpaste
- toilet paper
- baby wipes
- soap
- lotion
- shammy butter
- comb
- hair ties
- bobby pins
- safety pins
- needle and thread (floss)
- same as above minus cycling specific gear
bug spray, cream or wipes is a thought